K-Tube Technologies launched a new cleaning capability that ensures 100% of the ID is cleaned while still in coil form. The new process pressurizes a closed system, forcing organic solvent through the ID and ensuring that all processing aids are removed immediately after they are applied.
For customers that purchased coiled stainless steel tubing in the past, this level of cleanliness has never been previously offered. Coils can now be subjected to additional heat treating for even more control of mechanical properties, giving device engineers new options to enhance device performance and supporting applications where ID cleanliness is critical.
Customers can now purchase straight lengths of metal tubing pre-cleaned, eliminating the extra cost of cutting the ends to access the ID for cleaning. Depending on the application, this can result in significant cost savings downstream.
We will have engineers and sales representatives available to discuss how custom metal tubing can deliver improved device performance at the Compamed show in Düsseldorf, November 18-21. You can find K-Tube representatives in the MER-Europe stand, Hall 8B/ K09.
Or contact us directly with any questions you may have.